Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Yearning...far away

We have a good friend visiting Uganda right now and he is going to see our old home and the friends we have there. He is traveling there with some packages for our friends, letters with words written to express our heart to those we once were able to speak, and pictures to replace our very presence there. These thoughts stir echoes of a different time and a longing to return. Langston Hughes expressed it well in a poem not spoken from the same source that our longing derives its soul, yet somehow rings true even to my comparatively small experience there. So I wanted to share it with you...

Afro-American Fragment

So long,
So far away
Is Africa.
Not even memories alive
Save those that history books create,
Save those that songs 
Beat back into the blood-
Beat out of blood with words sad-sung
In strange un-Negro tongue-
So long, 
So far away
Is Africa.

Subdued and time-lost 
Are the drums -- and yet 
Through some vast mist of race 
There comes this song
I do not understand, 
This song of atavistic land,
Of bitter yearnings lost
Without a place-
So long,
So far away
Is Africa's
Dark face.


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