It has been entirely too long since our last posting so I thought I better get caught up a bit. We have been home from Ethiopia for about three months now which means we have had the twins for over four! We are excited to report that they are doing extremely well and they are catching up with their motor skills and development rapidly. The doctors and therapist are very excited to see the quick progress. God has been teaching us a lot in the last months as we have tried hard to adjust to having three kids under 4 and run a full time ministry on top of it. The whole 24/7 lifestyle of ministry in the urban mission context is hard to balance with the 24/7 lifestyle of three kids! God has been getting us through, though at times it feels like it is just barely. :)
The ministry continues to grow and we are excited by the new additions of several volunteers who are fully engaging in various levels now in addition to the four full time staff (Michael, Erika, Laurie Cook, and Faith Chastain). Though we have seen these additions we have also had an increase in work to counter balance it. One of the new additions we are working on is a soon to come website that will be very interactive and will center alot of our communication. We are excited about this development because it is one of the many places we are deficient...i.e. technologically impared.
Though life has been challenging it has also been encouraging in many areas as we have seen some breakthroughs with relationships among our neighbors and have also accomplished some of our short term goals in good time! God is faithful!
Well that is all for now - Peace - Michael
ps - the pic is of Isaac "working" in the yard with some of our neighbor kids.
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