Saturday, October 27, 2007

CCDA Conference St. Louis

If you have all been wondering why we haven't updated this thing in a while it is due to our travels. We recently were privaleded to go to the annual CCDA conference which was held in St, Louis this year. It was great time to connect to old friends, get encouragement, and simply be around a lot of people who understadn CCD and who are actually doing it. We also were able to check out some of the stuff in order to get ready to host the conferecne next year in Miami! Yep you read correctly we are having the conference right her in Miami in the '08!!! So if you are interested in coming put it on the calendar I belive it the 3rd weekend of October.

I was also able to go to the DeVos Urban Leadership Initiative 2nd National conference. I (Michael) am a part of this initiative that pours training into young emerging leaders in the urban ministry settings around the USA with the idea that in doing so they will reach more effectively into the urban centers and strengthen leadership therein got the future. I am one of 12 nominated and then chosen from Miami there are currently four other groups taking the 15th month course and they are from Cleavland, Chicago, South Chicago, and Indianapolis. It was a great time and one that really give practical ways to improve your personal and ministry lives.

Don't worry I will be putting some pics on here soon I am sure you all want to see the kids more than my ramblings.
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